Sustainability Roadmap
30% green house gas emission reduction and
50% renewable energy usage by 2030
FAQs #FrequentlyAskedQuestions

As sustainability becoming more of a concern nowadays, it is fundamental to utilize IoT, as one of today's strongest force, as supporting tool to hit company's sustainability target so that it can be reached faster and more efficiently.

Optimization of 2W delivery (increase loading content).

GPS tracker for delivery truck.

Emission test connected to E-UJI EMISI portal by DKI Jakarta province of Indonesia.



Electricity usage in the office building was monitored and logged in real time. Furthermore, schedule of automatic turn on and off for the largest electricity consumer (air conditioners) were set to make sure it was on when the office hour starts and off when office hour ends.

Roadmap #Goals
Organization Target AAIJ's 2022
AAIJ's 2022
AAIJ's 2023
Astra International Reduce group-wide scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas by 30% 8% 9.7% 10.75%
50% renewable energy to supply operations. 7.5% 2.8% 12.5%
Reduce group-wide water withdrawal intensity by 15%. 1.5% 46% 3%
Achieve 99% solid waste recycling and recovery. 90% 98% 91%
Achieve group-wide zero workforce fatalities and 60% reduction in lost time injury rate. LTI rate = 0.5 LTI rate = 0 LTI rate = 0.47
Reach 2.5 million people through our community development programs. - - 2000 people
Astra Otoparts 30% GHG reduction 8% 9.7% 10.75%
50% renewable energy to supply operations. 7.5% 2.8% 12.5%
Reduce group-wide water withdrawal intensity by 15%. 1.5% 46% 3%
Achieve 99% solid waste recycling and recovery. 90% 98% 91%
LTI rate = 0.3 LTI rate = 0.5 LTI rate = 0 LTI rate = 0.47
Reach 2000 people through our community development programs. - - 2000 people